Our principles and values

Anyone who follows these core principles and values can take action in the name of Animal Rebellion.

Creating a world that protects beings of all species, for generations to come.

Speciesism is when animal individuals are treated differently depending on which species they are, even if their aversion to suffering (and desire to live) are equal. We stand against all forms of oppression, and that includes speciesism – we want to create a world where no suffering is inflicted on animals (including humans), where all oppressed individuals are liberated. Animal agriculture is the biggest perpetrator of animal cruelty and unwanted deaths, therefore we are working towards abolishing it on ethical grounds, as much as on environmental ones.

Any person or group can organise autonomously around the issues that feel most pressing for them, and take action in the name and spirit of Animal Rebellion –  so long as the action fits within Animal Rebellion’s principles and values. In this way, power is decentralised, meaning that there is no need to ask for permission from a central group or authority. We promote the ideas of “holacracy” over consensus:

  • That it may be agreed in a group for one or two people to do a specific task for the group. Those people are then fully empowered to do the task.
  • They are best to seek advice and feedback but they don’t need anyone’s permission to complete the task. 
  • They are fully responsible for outcomes and should reflect on them and how to improve in future. If anything goes wrong they should help to “clean up”.
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