Animal Rebellion UK stands alongside Extinction Rebellion and the broader movement of movements. Together, we exist to protect all life, both now and for future generations. Given this we have made the decision to stand alongside Extinction Rebellion in recognising the need for us all to follow advice from scientists and doctors and prioritise public health, in an effort to be mindful of the most vulnerable in our communities.

Mass public gatherings will not be organised by Animal Rebellion if it is not safe to do so. As such we can no longer make a commitment to the date of May 23rd for in-person rebellion in London based on Covid-19. We will make alternative, creative plans for May and June, watch this space!

We will return to the streets in future but can’t be certain of a date right now, so we ask rebels to continue mobilising, to be ready for when the time is right. We believe in the need for mass civil disobedience, until the Government responds adequately to the ongoing climate, animal and ecological emergency. As the pandemic passes, nothing will feel the same and we need to be ready, we are already in a state of planetary crisis, and we do not have to return to business as usual.
Animal Rebellion will continue to organise with, and support, our local communities and each other throughout this time of national and international emergency.

Animal Rebellion will be actively planning throughout this time and coming up with new, innovative ways to pressure the government into taking action. Now more than ever we need strong leadership and, if the government are not willing to address the threats facing society, we will make it so they can’t ignore them. Watch this space and don’t hesitate to reach out via social media with any ideas or suggestions of how we can rebel moving forward!

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