Can you donate one hour's wage every month?
Animal Farming and Fishing is destroying our Planet.
But we have the solutions!
Help us make a Plant-Based Future Possible.

- Monthly
- One-Time
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Make A One-Off Donation

Our achievements to date include:
- Delivering the initial launch in October 2019 which got over 300 news articles and mobilised thousands to the centre of London.
- Disrupting the McDonald’s distribution centre in 2021 which shut hundreds of restaurants and was the BBC no.1 news stories and seen by 55% of the British public.
- Launching the Plant-Based Councils campaign in November 2020 in 40 locations around the country with wins including Oxfordshire and Cambridgeshire committing to their council events being 100% plant based.
- The Universities campaign started in November 2021 which aimed to pass motions for 100% plant-based campuses is now in 20 universities and will launch in 40+ in September.
- Organising last year’s Animal Rights March attended by 5000+, and we will be doing the same again this year.
- Freeing five beagles from the MBR Acres puppy breeding facility, the first time anything similar has been done since the 90s.
The campaign is estimated to cost over £100,000. Here’s what your support can fund:
- £50 could pay for a young person to travel to an Animal Rebellion event or training.
- £100 can buy banners, to send a clear message calling for a Plant-Based Future.
- £500 could help support a volunteer for a month.
- £1000 could support an action team for one week.