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Book Club Session 1: Five Essays for Freedom: A political primer for animal advocates
29th May 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Registration link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAucu-pqD4jG9HVpurAA8qcHS5VYlSp7ACc
You are encouraged to pre-read the materials prior to the session but this is not a requisite to join. The more important thing is turning up and join the conversation. Prior to each session you will receive an email with a short list of key points from the reading to allow everyone to engage with discussions.
In this session we will discuss the essay: Unravelling the animal industrial complex
You can get the ebook here [https://www.revolutionaries.com.au/ebooks/p/feff] and paperback here [https://www.revolutionaries.com.au/books/p/five-essays-for-freedom]
If cost is a barrier for you, please get in touch with us at bookclub@animalrebellion.org
About the book
Five Essays for Freedom: A political primer for animal advocates
Animal liberationist and emerging avant-garde theorist, Kristy Alger, provides a scathing, provocative exposé of the animal industrial complex in Five Essays for Freedom. Contextualised in current-day Australia, this essay collection is a political primer for the animal advocate, both curious and experienced alike.
Alger writes that an understanding of the politics of animal exploitation is critical for the realisation of animal liberation. For if animal advocates do not understand the politics of animal exploitation they cannot hope to disrupt the webs of corporations and government that guarantee its continuation, to the detriment of other animals, humankind and the Earth.
Alger asserts that the animal rights movement must extend its scope beyond the promotion of apolitical vegan consumerism as a means to create that accessibility, for the realisation of justice. In doing so, animal advocates can begin pulling at the intersecting threads of the animal industrial complex, progressing towards a future where they themselves are freed from the web alongside the other animals they seek to advocate for.
This collection of essays is just the beginning in a new revolution that extends beyond veganism and challenges the very notion of what it means to be an animal advocate and a human being.
First session: May 29 6-8pm UK Time
Second session: June 19 6-8pm UK Time https://www.facebook.com/events/217065169866410
Third session July 24 6-8pm UK Time https://www.facebook.com/events/164781025562792/