Animal Rebellion
31/08/21 – 22PM
- UK’s largest dairy factory shut down for more than 19 hours
- Police have denied the protesters’ basic rights such as food, shelter and medications
- Over 350 arrests have happened during the ‘Impossible Rebellion’ around London
During the early morning hours, 50 climate activists from Animal Rebellion began the blockade of an Arla factory, in Aylesbury. They are demanding the largest dairy producer in the UK to go plant-based by 2025 and to fund a just transition for its workers.
The first protesters were taken away around noon, as police cutting teams arrived on site and removed activists from one of the bamboo structures. All protestors were removed from blockades by 10:30pm after almost 20 hours. The group then camped at the site overnight.
30 protesters were locked-on to stop the production and distribution of dairy and expose the impact of dairies and the need to swiftly transition to plant based production. The protestors expressed that they intended to hold the blockade, until Arla responded to their demand. Non-violent demonstrators were prepared with tents and food; however, they report the police denied their basic rights. They began by separating the activists who were locked-on from supporters.
Animal Rebellion shared via Twitter, “At around 10am, police began erecting a cordon around lock-ons and are refusing to allow access to wellbeing to ‘rebels’ in the blockade.”
Police then further violated the rights of the protesters by taking away their food and shelter.
“They have stolen a sandwich from one of our locked-on rebels”, said social media posts from spokespeople, “And have now removed umbrellas and tarps off lock-ons and taped off the blockade from all supporters, including those providing first aid and wellbeing.”
Animal Rebellion says spirits are high despite heavy policing. These maneuvers follow the arrest of over 350 climate protesters in London during the ‘Impossible Rebellion’, including the raid of activists’ home and their posterior arrest on Sunday and the arrest of 36 people during the occupation of a Central McDonald’s last week.