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How to Get Involved – Talk


Animal Rebellion is only as strong as its volunteers, be it remote support or on the ground, dedicating 1 hour a week or 10- any volunteering support helps keep this movement alive and strong. There is a team and role for everyone, based on their own availability and skill set. If you would like to find your PERFECT role within Animal Rebellion join us: FOR A HOW TO GET INVOLVED TALK- ONLINE TOMORROW 7PM VIA ZOOM Make sure to join us using the link below: We can only keep fighting with your help. Volunteer with us now!

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists


Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists. Note: We've experienced large numbers of people registering for this workshop and not turning up. This prevents others from registering and attending because the workshop is sold out. So we ask you to only book if you can attend and cancel your ticket in good time if you find you can't make it. ----- We are members of XR looking at how movements can be divided when oppression goes unaddressed, offering practical tools to heal these divisions which affect our relationships as activists. This workshop will address the importance of understanding the structural nature of oppressions (such as racism, sexism, classism, ableism, the oppression of young people, ...), as well as doing[…]

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