Learning Skool
Practical Messaging
OnlineEver seen a banner or sign at an action that's stuck with you? We all want to make sure our messaging cuts through, makes it clear what we are trying to do and remains stuck in people's minds. In this training we'll work through some tips, techniques and tricks for developing memorable messaging for actions and campaigns. From iconic posters to unforgettable banners we'll talk through some easy changes you can make to get your message across. Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMocO2hrj8uGdXUX9kf9jYpxllb2fbdEISD
De-escalation Training
OnlineDe-escalation Training Tue 11/05 6:30-8:30pm GMT Learn the basics of De-escalation rooted in Nonviolent Communication. How might you de-escalate a tense situation with someone who disagrees with you but is in dialogue with you? How might you de-escalate with very angry or drunk people in protest situations? How might you authentically express your motivation for being involved in Animal Rebellion? Come and learn and expand into empathic connection with those who might disagree or want to disrupt you. This session is an Intro to NVC De-escalation skills, for use during Animal Rebellion actions and for use in other social change movements utilising NVDA to support these movements to cultivate a stronger culture of nonviolence. Skills learnt are of use in[…]
Book Club Session 1: Five Essays for Freedom: A political primer for animal advocates
OnlineRegistration link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAucu-pqD4jG9HVpurAA8qcHS5VYlSp7ACc You are encouraged to pre-read the materials prior to the session but this is not a requisite to join. The more important thing is turning up and join the conversation. Prior to each session you will receive an email with a short list of key points from the reading to allow everyone to engage with discussions. In this session we will discuss the essay: Unravelling the animal industrial complex You can get the ebook here and paperback here If cost is a barrier for you, please get in touch with us at bookclub@animalrebellion.org About the book Five Essays for Freedom: A political primer for animal advocates Animal liberationist and emerging avant-garde theorist, Kristy Alger, provides a scathing,[…]
NVDA (non-violent direct action) Training
OnlineNon-Violent Direct Action is at the heart of what Animal Rebellion does. This core training is fundamental for all rebels thinking of attending our actions, though these are universal principles that strengthen the efficacy of any protest. Make sure you are ready for G7 and the summer of resistance we have ahead, by getting our core trainings under your belt! We look forward to seeing you! Register via this link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJctcuGqrjwvHNWd5ek-4aQt7o384oOyCeJY Facebook Event https://www.facebook.com/events/1124303941327827
Non-Violent Direct Action
NVDA is a fundamental component of our theory of change. But why non-violence and what are some of the tactics we can use? We'll explore these concepts and more in this core training, that is a must for all Animal Rebels to attend! Register in advance- https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYlcOuuqT0vH9Ue9zwHF3lsWnu1Qvl4aD_C
Animal Rebellion DNA
Understanding our shared DNA is fundamental for every rebel who takes action in the name of Animal Rebellion. In this core training we'll be exploring the Strategy, Story, Culture and Structure of Animal Rebellion. Register for this online session here- https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIuce6vpz4rGdY-KV7BKX-l2XWbyHygB9GD
Non-Violent Direct Action
NVDA is a fundamental component of our theory of change. But why non-violence and what are some of the tactics we can use? We'll explore these concepts and more in this core training, that is a must for all Animal Rebels to attend! Register for this online session here- https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0ud-mtrDstGN2vyFCoMZFdiFM9e2X_BBIg