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Bundesweites Online Onboarding


Would you like to get to know Animal Rebellion better, lear about the demands, principles & values ​​as well as forms of action and / or actively join the rebellion ? Join our online onboarding (German-speaking) Get to know other rebels and find local groups nearby!

Practical Messaging


Ever seen a banner or sign at an action that's stuck with you? We all want to make sure our messaging cuts through, makes it clear what we are trying to do and remains stuck in people's minds. In this training we'll work through some tips, techniques and tricks for developing memorable messaging for actions and campaigns. From iconic posters to unforgettable banners we'll talk through some easy changes you can make to get your message across. Register here:

Race/Class & Our Food Systems

We will be exploring how issues of race and class interact and influence our food systems. About this Event The first in the series, we will be examining the link between the Indian Farmers Strike and how global south resistance is connected to animal agriculture. There is a clear linkage between race, class, and animal oppression. One of Animal Rebellion’s demands is to achieve a “just and sustainable plant-based food system” - and the many layers of oppression unfold themselves within the intersectionalities. Equally, land and food justice are vital to be understood as they connect to our indigenous heritage and spiritual cultures. Ultimately, animal agriculture is currently produced in an exploitative system that is also perpetuating racism, classism, and[…]

Plant-Based Future Now – Talk


It’s official, the climate is changing rapidly and we’re all feeling the heat. But what’s actually happening and what can we do about it? In this talk, Animal Rebellion summarises what has caused the climate emergency, what we can do about it and how to get involved. Join us for this online talk and learn more about the climate breakdown, meet new people and ask any questions you have in the 20 minutes Q&A following the talk. We may be facing dark times ahead but there’s always an opportunity for positive change. We come in peace, love and solidarity and invite you to join us in this rebellion! Register here: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing[…]

2021 Plant-Based Schools Campaign


Join us in our 2021 campaign: Plant-Based Schools and Councils! We’re kickstarting a nationwide effort to create a fairer and more sustainable food system for the planet, for animals and for our future. Come along to find out how to get involved as we demand that local councils stop serving animal products in their schools and council events to combat the climate crisis. We’ve just got our first win with Hackney Council committing to 1 vegetarian day across 100+ schools and approx. 30,000 students starting September, for a total of 1.1 million meals per year changed. The campaign is developing strongly across the UK with nearly 40 groups running it across the country. That’s 10% of the UK’s councils in[…]

De-escalation Training


De-escalation Training Tue 11/05 6:30-8:30pm GMT Learn the basics of De-escalation rooted in Nonviolent Communication. How might you de-escalate a tense situation with someone who disagrees with you but is in dialogue with you? How might you de-escalate with very angry or drunk people in protest situations? How might you authentically express your motivation for being involved in Animal Rebellion? Come and learn and expand into empathic connection with those who might disagree or want to disrupt you. This session is an Intro to NVC De-escalation skills, for use during Animal Rebellion actions and for use in other social change movements utilising NVDA to support these movements to cultivate a stronger culture of nonviolence. Skills learnt are of use in[…]

Wellbeing Training


Wellbeing Training Wed 12/05 6:30-8:30pm This is a 2 hour online training which is intended as an introduction to Action Wellbeing support at Actions which we recommend attending if you are interested in taking on a Wellbeing role at actions. Action Wellbeing is an essential part of creating a regenerative action. It promotes the wellbeing of ourselves and others, strengthening connection and resilience. The training will explore some techniques including active listening, grounding and self soothing exercises, roles within Action Wellbeing, and what it might look like on the ground. You will also be sent a beautiful Action Wellbeing Handbook and you are welcome to get in touch with your trainer at any point if you want to discuss any[…]

“What Else Do Rebels Do?”


Come along and hear what a couple of rebels have been up to during lockdown... Jane will be presenting a talk about the Humane Being campaign to Scrap Factory Farming by taking the UK government to court. With the help of Michael Mansfield QC they have just issued a ‘last chance’ warning prior to launching a case that will hold the UK Government to account for the threat posed, and destruction to the planet caused, by factory farming. Mark will talk about his non-profit organisation Grainwaves. Two years in the planning and with a couple of test/trial runs, this organisation will help any business in transitioning to a plant-based and/or vegan business. There will be time for a Q &[…]

Book Club Session 1: Five Essays for Freedom: A political primer for animal advocates


Registration link: You are encouraged to pre-read the materials prior to the session but this is not a requisite to join. The more important thing is turning up and join the conversation. Prior to each session you will receive an email with a short list of key points from the reading to allow everyone to engage with discussions. In this session we will discuss the essay: Unravelling the animal industrial complex You can get the ebook here and paperback here If cost is a barrier for you, please get in touch with us at About the book Five Essays for Freedom: A political primer for animal advocates Animal liberationist and emerging avant-garde theorist, Kristy Alger, provides a scathing,[…]

DNA workshop

Who is Animal Rebellion? How can I take action? This core training will cover everything you need to know about Animal Rebellion and our theory of change! It covers our STORY, our STRUCTURE, our STRATEGY and our CULTURE. Facebook Events: Sign up via this Zoom link (you will receive confirmation via email)  

NVDA (non-violent direct action) Training


Non-Violent Direct Action is at the heart of what Animal Rebellion does. This core training is fundamental for all rebels thinking of attending our actions, though these are universal principles that strengthen the efficacy of any protest. Make sure you are ready for G7 and the summer of resistance we have ahead, by getting our core trainings under your belt! We look forward to seeing you! Register via this link: Facebook Event  


Cornwall , United Kingdom

This year we need to stand strong and rebel against planetary destruction. We are asking the G7 to put their money where their mouth is and protect the planet, humans and other animals by defunding meat. Animals are not products and their lives are not fuel for the destruction these governments wrought on this planet which is both our home and theirs. Animals resist these industries in the same way humans do, forming alliances, disrupting destruction and continuing to survive in a world where they are increasingly unwelcome.We welcome all species and know that by building a just, sustainable plant-based food system we can build a world based on justice for all. Click here to join us! Going by[…]

Action Support Roles Briefing


Would you like to find out how to get more involved and how to support at actions during the upcoming rebellion? This informal talk outlines the different support roles needed for a successful action and will help you discover which role(s) would be most suitable for you. Roles include wellbeing, outreach, de-escalation, police liaison and stewarding. Information on further trainings for most of these roles will be given and the session will end with a Q&A. Sign up to the Event Here:

Live Q&A with Kristy Alger

Zoom & Facebook Live , United Kingdom

Collective liberationist, anti-speciesist theorist, and author.
Invite your friends, prepare your questions and join us for a conversation with Kristy Alger. 

Feast in the Street

Briggate, Leeds Leeds, United Kingdom

Welcome to Feast in the Street! On the afternoon of Sunday 8th August, we will be holding a street party to showcase some of the most outstanding environmental and justice organisations in Leeds, and demonstrate the alternative ways of life that we need for the future of our city and our world. Stalls, food, music, art, actions and more! Come down, show support, learn, engage and find out how to get involved. If you would like to be a part of organising the event, get in touch with one of the host organisations. See you there.

DNA Workshop


Two hour DNA workshop. Learn about Animal Rebellion’s Story, Strategy, Structure and Culture.

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists


Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists. Note: We've experienced large numbers of people registering for this workshop and not turning up. This prevents others from registering and attending because the workshop is sold out. So we ask you to only book if you can attend and cancel your ticket in good time if you find you can't make it. ----- We are members of XR looking at how movements can be divided when oppression goes unaddressed, offering practical tools to heal these divisions which affect our relationships as activists. This workshop will address the importance of understanding the structural nature of oppressions (such as racism, sexism, classism, ableism, the oppression of young people, ...), as well as doing[…]

Paint The Streets Weekend

Your local area , United Kingdom

From the 23rd August, Animal Rebellion will occupy, unite and rebel in central London to take action against the climate and animal emergency and you can help us spread the word. Get together with your friends, organize with your local group and paint the streets with our rebellion posters and leaflets (you could also do chalking or any other artistic expression). Click here to request posters and leaflets  

Discussion Space: Power and Privilege


Animal Rebellion's Anti-racism & Decolonization team are hosting an open discussion space on Power and Privilege. It’s time for us to talk about how privilege and imbalance of power in human interaction contribute to the dominance over other animals and the earth. Register in advance for this meeting:

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