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People’s Assembly


"People’s Assemblies are a way for a group of people to discuss issues or make decisions collectively, where all voices are heard and valued equally and no one person or group are able to dominate the process. People’s Assemblies play a vital role in our decision making process, and even more so during the rebellion where we will need to hold impromptu assemblies depending on the situations we encounter. In this assembly, we will be discussing the following question - 'How do we best incorporate alternative & non-hierarchical systems into our daily lives?'"

Deescalation Training


Learn the basics of De-escalation rooted in Nonviolent Communication. How might you de-escalate a tense situation with someone who disagrees with you but is in dialogue with you? How might you de-escalate with very angry or drunk people in protest situations? How might you authentically express your motivation for being involved in Animal Rebellion? Come and learn and expand into empathic connection with those who might disagree or want to disrupt you. This session is an Intro to NVC De-escalation skills, for use during Animal Rebellion actions and for use in other social change movements utilising NVDA to support these movements to cultivate a stronger culture of nonviolence. Skills learnt are of use in actions as well as in meetings[…]

Witnessing Police Behaviour Training


"NB: By coming to this training, it does NOT mean that you are a legal observer; you will be someone who has some very useful skills when witnessing forms of policing. When at an action, the police also generally turn up. In this training, you will learn how to effectively monitor the following: - Arrests - Stop and Searches We recognise that the police often (and generally do) use their powers in a discriminatory manner to target Black people, POC, LGBTQ+ and disabled people (to name a few), due to institutional racism, sexism, transphobia and ableism within the police force. By the end of this training, you will be able to monitor the police's actions, whilst also trying to safeguard[…]

Strategy Update and Discussion


"It's a new month and a new season and you know what that means? An update from the UK strategy team! Come along to this talk to hear how we've grown the learnings from the UK strategy consultation into a rough plan for the year ahead. We'll be talking COP, summer camp, council campaign and more with plenty of opportunity for discussion and questions. If you missed the last workshop, check it out here:

Strategy Update & Discussion


"It's a new month and a new season and you know what that means? An update from the UK strategy team! Come along to this talk to hear how we've grown the learnings from the UK strategy consultation into a rough plan for the year ahead. We'll be talking COP, summer camp, council campaign and more with plenty of opportunity for discussion and questions. If you missed the last workshop, check it out here:

Strategy Update and Discussion


"It's a new month and a new season and you know what that means? An update from the UK strategy team! Come along to this talk to hear how we've grown the learnings from the UK strategy consultation into a rough plan for the year ahead. We'll be talking COP, summer camp, council campaign and more with plenty of opportunity for discussion and questions. If you missed the last workshop, check it out here:

Strategy Update and Discussion


"It's a new month and a new season and you know what that means? An update from the UK strategy team! Come along to this talk to hear how we've grown the learnings from the UK strategy consultation into a rough plan for the year ahead. We'll be talking COP, summer camp, council campaign and more with plenty of opportunity for discussion and questions. If you missed the last workshop, check it out here: Register for this workshop here:"

Wellbeing Training


This is a 2 hour online training which is intended as an introduction to Action Wellbeing support at Actions which we recommend attending if you are interested in taking on a Wellbeing role at actions. Action Wellbeing is an essential part of creating a regenerative action. It promotes the wellbeing of ourselves and others, strengthening connection and resilience. The training will explore some techniques including active listening, grounding and self soothing exercises, roles within Action Wellbeing, and what it might look like on the ground. You will also be sent a beautiful Action Wellbeing Handbook and you are welcome to get in touch with your trainer at any point if you want to discuss any further aspects of Action Wellbeing.[…]

Know Your Rights Training


"A training aimed at encouraging safe protest and informing rebels of their rights. Teaching rebels how to engage with the police, acknowledging the disproportionate policing of marginalised groups and the role of white, able bodied privilege. Aiming to create a safer protest environment by empowering all UK rebels with the knowledge to understand the widespread discrimination within policing, their legal rights and to be aware of how to limit risk to themselves and others. REBEL SAFE!"

DNA Structure


"This online workshop is an opportunity to explore Animal Rebellion UK’s structure of coordination and learn about how we make decisions. What are the key principles, ways of working and challenges of our Self-Organising-System and how is it expanding as we continually grow? Discuss leadership, autonomy and the fundamental building blocks of trust and communication."

Action Design Training


"Non-violent Direct Action is what Animal Rebellion is all about. In this two-hour long, interactive training you will learn how to design an effective action. We will go through the basic principles of great non-violent direct actions. You will have space to discuss good and bad action design examples and will be designing your own actions during group exercises. Every part of Animal Rebellion needs to become a laboratory for disobedience and action design. If every person in every local group puts their mind to designing actions, imagine the possibilities! We encourage rebels to attend an NVDA and DNA workshop by Animal Rebellion before joining this training. Please also note that this is an interactive session which will require active[…]

Witnessing Police Behaviour Training


"NB: By coming to this training, it does NOT mean that you are a legal observer; you will be someone who has some very useful skills when witnessing forms of policing. When at an action, the police also generally turn up. In this training, you will learn how to effectively monitor the following: - Arrests - Stop and Searches We recognise that the police often (and generally do) use their powers in a discriminatory manner to target Black people, POC, LGBTQ+ and disabled people (to name a few), due to institutional racism, sexism, transphobia and ableism within the police force. By the end of this training, you will be able to monitor the police's actions, whilst also trying to safeguard[…]

DNA Culture


Culture underpins how we relate to one another both within our movement and wider society. Come explore how we can build an inclusive, resilient and empowering culture together at Animal Rebellion.

Spokespeople Training: Speech Writing

"There is no set way to write and deliver a speech, but there are things we can think about to help make it powerful and engaging for our audience. This training will discuss structure, how to utilise research, incorporating Animal Rebellion's messaging and using our own personal story. The event is open to any level of public speaking/ speech writing/ spokespeople experience. Register for this event here: The zoom registration is:"

Negotiation Training for Activists


If you don't ask, you won't get. Asking, demanding, protesting, lobbying for something, or for someone to do something, is a negotiation. It might just be 'if you do this, then we'll stop hassling you.' Knowing how to negotiate is key to successful campaigning. This session will cover the key frameworks to make you a better negotiator, campaigner and help you get what you want and animals and the planet need.

DNA Strategy


This online workshop is all about our core purpose as a movement, what our goals are and what tools we use to get there. Learn about the pillars of support, why we aim our actions towards the Government, how we shift hearts and minds of the public and the key principles of Civil Disobedience. There is an opportunity to explore these concepts together and discuss our 2020 strategy.

Jake Conroy aka The Cranky Vegan. Interview and Q&A


"15 years ago a group of activists known as the SHAC 7 were found guilty of using their website to incite attacks on those who did business with Huntingdon Life Sciences, one of the biggest animal testing labs of its kind. In response to a grassroots campaign against injustice, the FBI and US government threw their full weight into branding these young people as terrorists and getting them put away. The documentary The Animal People tells the story of the SHAC campaign, allowing us to learn from history when developing our own strategies. Last month as part of our ongoing Animal Rebellion Arts Space we sat down and watched this documentary and now we're going to have the chance to[…]

Animal Rebellion’s Messaging Drop in Session


A drop in session with Animal Rebellion's Messaging Team! if you have any questions, queries, are in need of advice or have any suggestions then please join this space for open discussion.

Know Your Rights Training


"A training aimed at encouraging safe protest and informing rebels of their rights. Teaching rebels how to engage with the police, acknowledging the disproportionate policing of marginalised groups and the role of white, able bodied privilege. Aiming to create a safer protest environment by empowering all UK rebels with the knowledge to understand the widespread discrimination within policing, their legal rights and to be aware of how to limit risk to themselves and others. REBEL SAFE!"

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