UK Government- Tell The Truth: Animal Ag Causes Pandemics
UK Government- Tell The Truth: Animal Ag Causes Pandemics
UK Government - TELL THE TRUTH ANIMAL AGRICULTURE CAUSES PANDEMICS ANIMAL EXPLOITATION CAUSED COVID-19 We demand a transition to a plant- based food system to stop future zoonotic pandemics. We will be delivering an Open Letter to the UK Government, signed by scientists, NGOS, animal rights organisations and environmentalists, to demand that the UK Government urgently address the cause of the Covid-19 pandemic ~which lies squarely at the feet of animal agriculture and exploitation. Covid-19, is a 'zoonotic disease' which jumped the species barrier from animals to humans - likely in a Chinese wet markets where stressed animals kept in cages are slaughtered on site. But the next pandemic could easily originate in an intensive factory unit anywhere in the[…]