Who is Animal Rebellion? How can I take action? This core training will cover everything you need to know about Animal Rebellion and our theory of change! Register here: https://forms.gle/Dui5pGez5vf8E7AZ6
Essential for all Animal Rebels to deepen their understanding of who Animal Rebellion is. A crash course into how we think social change happens and how we operate. This is a 2 hour long taste session to understand the basics of our story, culture, strategy and structure! Zoom Registration: https://us06web.zoom.us/.../tZEpdeyqrDopGtyV7TeY35buw...
NVDA is a fundamental component of our theory of change. But why non-violence and what are some of the tactics we can use? We'll explore these concepts and more in this core training, which is a must for all Animal Rebels to attend! Registration Link https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpfuisqj8tE9DE6HqeAGhkGgF0rao8qypp
Hegemony How-To is a practical guide to political struggle for a generation that is deeply ambivalent about questions of power, leadership, and strategy. Hopeful about the potential of today’s burgeoning movements, long-time grassroots organiser Jonathan Smucker nonetheless pulls no punches when confronting their internal dysfunction.
Animal Rebellion Welcome Talk Date: Monday, 25/10/21 Time: 7pm Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85102379827?pwd=NVJhWk1hYUNOV1JjdzQ5dzZnd2pXQT09 Have you ever felt furious or terrified at the unfolding of the climate and ecological crises but didn’t know what you could do? Are you disgusted by the injustice of the animal agriculture industry but feel like individual consumer choices are not enough? Maybe you have heard of Animal Rebellion and are wondering what all the fuss is about? Or perhaps you know what’s up but are wondering how to get involved? If any of the above applies to you, why not come along to our Welcome to Animal Rebellion talk? This is where we will break it all down for you. We will discuss who we[…]
Understanding our DNA is fundamental for every rebel who takes action in the name of Animal Rebellion. In this core training we'll be exploring the Strategy, Story, Culture and Structure of Animal Rebellion. Registration Link https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUsdOqoqD0rGNLx2bxV1vuFXKNPHvW9LpcJ
NVDA is a fundamental component of our theory of change. But why non-violence and what are some of the tactics we can use? We'll explore these concepts and more in this core training, which is a must for all Animal Rebels to attend! Registration Link https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZArc-utqD4qGtcgRffsfV8Y9wriuCXwozCJ