Environment & Climate

Plant-Based Universities: Taking The UK By Storm

As the university year rolls to a close, it’s time to look back on the rise of the Plant-Based Universities campaign! Students across the UK are standing up and demanding their institutions listen to the science and make the just and sustainable transition humans, animals and the planet need to see.

The Marine Stewardship Council: A flawed sheen of respectability for an industry in denial

When faced with a crisis, making something slightly less bad won’t cut it. There’s making a real difference and then there’s green-wash. The UK-based Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) falls firmly into the latter category. So what’s wrong?

Doubt and Lies: the tactics of a struggling meat and dairy industry and why we won’t fall for them

Imagine you’re working for a community organisation. There’s been a problem for many years with people going hungry and an unequal distribution of food. You’ve hired someone to fix it and given them one year to turn things around and develop a plan to feed the community while having a positive impact on the environment. The year comes to an end and, reviewing their work, you find that, far from supporting the community, their solution is fragile, unstable and is having a devastating effect on the local environment. When questioned, their response is that all the reviews are wrong, their system is the only possible system and that’s that. Do you think you’d rehire this person?  It’s a pretty obvious[…]

Industrial farming: Fighting for its survival

The meat, dairy and fish industries are fighting an ever more vitriolic and unpleasant but losing battle for survival. Those that speak out against them are attacked from all sides, as a Spanish politician recently discovered.

Animal Rebellion supports those taking the UK government to court today over factory farming 

ctivists, experts and a renowned human rights lawyer are in court today in London seeking an end to factory farming in the UK. Animal Rebellion stands with them and congratulates them on their unprecedented and urgent action.  

Introducing Plant-Based Universities

Universities, the sources of a great deal of the Global North’s scientific study and revolutionary thought, are once more bearing witness to demands for system change. The system in question this time? The unjust, unsustainable food system characterised by the meat, fishing, and dairy industries. This is the system that drives Amazon deforestation1, contributes a staggering amount of greenhouse gas emissions2, leaves 805 million of the world’s most vulnerable people hungry3, whilst simultaneously slaughtering trillions of animals needlessly each year4. The oldest university in the English-speaking world, Oxford, has published several papers exploring and explaining the environmental benefits of transitioning to plant-based foods5. Besides this, dozens of British universities have declared a climate emergency, evidently these institutions are recognising the[…]

How a just and sustainable plant-based food system could change the world

With animal agriculture causing enormous harm to our environment it’s time to consider more sustainable ways of eating. It’s time to consider: What would a world with a plant-based food system look like?

Why Animal Agriculture must be on the COP 26 agenda

The United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 26, will be kicking off in a week´s time, where world leaders will meet to discuss how they plan to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees, an ambitious target which the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has said will require drastic action. The stakes couldn’t be higher.

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