
Doubt and Lies: the tactics of a struggling meat and dairy industry and why we won’t fall for them

Imagine you’re working for a community organisation. There’s been a problem for many years with people going hungry and an unequal distribution of food. You’ve hired someone to fix it and given them one year to turn things around and develop a plan to feed the community while having a positive impact on the environment. The year comes to an end and, reviewing their work, you find that, far from supporting the community, their solution is fragile, unstable and is having a devastating effect on the local environment. When questioned, their response is that all the reviews are wrong, their system is the only possible system and that’s that. Do you think you’d rehire this person?  It’s a pretty obvious[…]

Industrial farming: Fighting for its survival

The meat, dairy and fish industries are fighting an ever more vitriolic and unpleasant but losing battle for survival. Those that speak out against them are attacked from all sides, as a Spanish politician recently discovered.

Joining the dots between the climate crisis and a plant-based food-system

Animal Rebellion is all about joining the dots between the climate emergency and the urgent need to transition to a plant-based future. We can’t have the first without the second. For many of us, this is obvious – the evidence is clear. However, why do so many organisations and people still fail to make the connection?

Animal Rebellion’s 2021 Roundup!

We’re fast approaching the end of the year, and so before 2022 begins, let’s stop and look back at all that Animal Rebellion has achieved over the last twelve months! Through a series of direct actions over the year, we have made our case for a transition to a just and sustainable plant-based food system loud and clear.  January – Saving the world one council at a time We kicked off the year with our schools and councils campaign, demanding that they do their part to encourage plant-based eating. A total of 74% of councils have declared a climate emergency, yet few are taking steps to reduce food-related emissions. How did we get on? Well, an incredible 10% of UK[…]

Introducing Plant-Based Universities

Universities, the sources of a great deal of the Global North’s scientific study and revolutionary thought, are once more bearing witness to demands for system change. The system in question this time? The unjust, unsustainable food system characterised by the meat, fishing, and dairy industries. This is the system that drives Amazon deforestation1, contributes a staggering amount of greenhouse gas emissions2, leaves 805 million of the world’s most vulnerable people hungry3, whilst simultaneously slaughtering trillions of animals needlessly each year4. The oldest university in the English-speaking world, Oxford, has published several papers exploring and explaining the environmental benefits of transitioning to plant-based foods5. Besides this, dozens of British universities have declared a climate emergency, evidently these institutions are recognising the[…]

Animal Rebellion Campaigners Scale DEFFRA In Climate Change Protest Ahead Of COP26

The protesters climbed the building in the early hours of this morning, unveiling a banner that reads “COP26: Invest in a Plant-Based Future”. Animal Rebellion says they intend to remain on the building, suspended in hammocks, until UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson pledges to cut all taxpayer support for animal agriculture and promises to urge all world leaders to do the same when they attend the COP26 summit later this week. 

Why Animal Agriculture must be on the COP 26 agenda

The United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 26, will be kicking off in a week´s time, where world leaders will meet to discuss how they plan to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees, an ambitious target which the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has said will require drastic action. The stakes couldn’t be higher.

Animal Rebellion is challenging G7 power holders

Every year heads of seven industrialised nations (plus two representatives from the EU, and guest/invited countries), who collectively own over 58% of global net wealth  meet at the Group of Seven (G7) conference. They claim their goal is discuss and resolve global challenges. Despite said intentions, 46 years have gone by since the G7 coalition was formed, human economic activities led by G7 countries have degraded the Earth`s ecosystems pushing through some of the Planetary  boundaries and set off the Climate and Ecological Emergency.              The truth which G7 leaders avoid is that they are failing to fulfill their assigned role to protect lives and planetary health for generations to come. This includes the G7 Food Security Working Group’s failure to[…]

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